Microcar history

I guess you already have found a lot of other websites about micro car history, so here is the swedish part of the history:

Most of the first owners was half-old men that have got a driving licence for motorcycles in the time between the world wars. In that time it was very easy to have a driving license for motorcycles. Rumours says that it was only to tell a policeman that you were able to drive a motorcycle, and then he said: Nice, here is your driving license.
Anyway, Sweden was a rather rich country in the mid 50:s as we was not suffering form the wars so those old men did buy microcars even if they was not so good value for the money compared to "real" cars

First successfull cars on the market was Fuldamobil S4 and Messerschmitt KR175. But the big success was KR200 that was sold in large numbers in 1955. Then came the Heinkel and BMW Isetta, but the 4-wheeler Isetta  was almost impossible to sell as they needed a real car driving license.We also had a license built Fuldamobil under name Fram-King-Fulda. In the early 60:s the Trojan was the most sold microcar. Some other makes was also sold but only in limited numbers.

The laws has changed so all three wheel motorcycles with not more than 15KW can be driven from the age of 16 years with a A1 driving license.

To be continued